On behalf of the Purkyně Foundation, we cordially invite you to the traditional autumn seminar intended for doctors of all medical specialties who are members of the Czech Medical Association of J.E. Purkyně. This seminar is called “Let’s also think about (our) mental health” with the lectures given by prof. MD Cyril Höschl, DrSc., FRCPsych., MUDr. Veronika Andrashko, Ph.D. and MD Filip Španiel, Ph.D.
The event will take place in a hybrid form on November 29, 2022 from 3:30 p.m. to approximately 5:30 p.m. in the large hall of Lékařský dům (Sokolská 490/31, 120 00 Prague 2) and online. More information is available on the Purkyně Foundation website.
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